
Wolves Attack, Seriously Injure Woman Jogging In Zoo

Police and prosecutors were investigating how a 37-year-old woman came to be attacked and seriously injured by three wolves in a zoo outside Paris Sunday. The woman was bitten “on the neck, the calf and the back” at the Thoiry zoo around 25 miles west of the French capital, a source close to the case told AFP.

The woman was rescued after park attendants heard her screams as she was being attacked, the BBC reported.

Maryvonne Caillibotte, chief prosecutor in Versailles, had said the woman’s life was in danger, but later Sunday a source told AFP her injuries were no longer life-threatening.

The woman, went out early Sunday morning for a jog after spending the night with her family in the safari-style lodge at the zoo, according to initial findings of the investigation.

CEO of Wow Safari Thoiry, Christelle Bercheny, told AFP that the woman had “crossed the American reserve on foot,” a place normally “only accessible by car.”

Bercheny said that there were signs reminding people of the “rules of survival” to be followed in the park.

Read more here from CBS News.