
Winklevoss Twins Blast Biden’s ‘War On Crypto’ In Trump Endorsement

Bitcoin proponents Cameron Winklevoss and Tyler Winklevoss announced on social media on Thursday that they are endorsing former President Trump and sending a significant haul of bitcoin to his campaign as a donation.

“I just donated $1 million in bitcoin (15.47 BTC) to @realDonaldTrump and will be voting for him in November,” Tyler Winklevoss, the tech billionaire, posted on X on Thursday before outlining his reasons for voting for Trump.

“Over the past few years, the Biden Administration has openly declared war against crypto,” Winklevoss wrote. “It has weaponized multiple government agencies to bully, harass, and sue the good actors in our industry in an effort to destroy it.”

“This Administration’s actions have been nothing short of an unprecedented abuse of power wielded entirely for twisted political gain at the complete expense of innovation, the American taxpayer, and the American economy. There is nothing the Biden Administration can do or say at this point to pretend otherwise.”

Winklevoss went on to argue that it is not “even remotely open for debate” that Trump is the “pro-Bitcoin, pro-crypto, and pro-business choice.”

Tyler’s twin brother, Cameron, also posted on X that he is endorsing Trump and sending him $1 million in bitcoin.

Read more here from Fox Business.