
Whistleblower Says US Is Hiding UFO The ‘Size Of A Football Field’

UFO off country road.

Former intelligence officer, David Grusch, allegedly made explosive claims about the US government hiding extraterrestrial technology during a secret presentation in a New York penthouse.

Around 60 individuals, including officials from the CIA and FBI, as well as Wall Street executives, reportedly attended the talk hosted by cryptocurrency advisor John D’Agostino and lawyer John J Altorelli. Despite pictures being banned, an anonymous source leaked images of Grusch speaking and his claims during the presentation.

Grusch claimed that the US government is hiding a 12-metre extraterrestrial technology, the size of a football field, inside an undisclosed location. Comparing the device to the Tardis from Doctor Who, Grusch said the device could manipulate space and time. The device could supposedly harness enough energy to power 70,000 households per year, but Grusch did not provide specifics about how it would work.

According to reports, Grusch’s talk was private and conducted in a small, saloon-style setting. The exclusive gathering occurred in an NYC penthouse where Grusch spoke for free, travelling to the event specifically.

Sources claim that Grusch arrived only a few hours before the presentation and promptly left first thing the next day. Attendees of the gathering include several high profile figures, but their identity has not been shared.

While some found Grusch’s talk mesmerizing, others thought it was nothing more than a work of fiction. Since the presentation is not a public event, mainstream media has not reported on the incident. The claims made by Grusch are not the first of this kind that have emerged. The existence of extraterrestrial life and their hidden technology has long been a topic for debate. Mainstream science has yet to clarify whether there is evidence of extraterrestrial life.