
Warning For Moms And Dads About Popular ‘Sharenting’ Trend

Health experts are warning parents not to excessively share details about their children on social media, cautioning that doing so can have long-lasting impacts on their mental health.

According to a Wednesday article by the Cleveland Clinic, “sharenting” refers to “the act of digital oversharing, of excessively posting information, pictures, stories or updates about your child’s life.”

Examples of sharenting include publicizing private milestones in a child’s life, such as finishing potty training or a girl’s first period. Posting about a mistake a child made or an injury they got while playing could also be humiliating for children.

Even more innocent posts like sharing a child’s positive report card can negatively impact their self-esteem, Cleveland Clinic psychologist Dr. Susan Albers said.

“Sometimes, parents unknowingly create pressure on their kids by crafting an idealized image online of who their child is,” she described. “That can lead to dips in self-esteem and self-worth.”

Albers added that even if a parent’s post has positive intentions, the whole act of oversharing details about a child’s life “comes with a lot of gray areas.”

Read more here from Fox News.