
Two-Thirds Want Border Wall, E-Verify To Slow Illegal Immigration

  • Sizable majorities of 2022 midterm election voters are growing more concerned about illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border and believe the fix should include walls, fences, and other barriers and an E-Verify system that would punish employers who hire illegal immigrants.
  • In a new Rasmussen Reports survey done with the hard-line immigration reform group NumbersUSA, 67% backed a wall and other barriers, including 49% of Democrats.
  • Even more, 69%, want to “mandate that all employers use the federal electronic E-Verify system to help ensure that they hire only legal workers for U.S. jobs,” read the analysis.
  • Overall, 60% said that the border crisis is a top issue, and most faulted President Joe Biden for the growing disaster.