
Trump Says His VP Running Mate Will Attend Thursday’s Debate

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump arrives at a campaign rally Saturday, March 2, 2024, in Richmond, Va. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Former President Trump says he knows who he will choose as his running mate but says he has yet to reveal to anyone the name of that choice.

When speaking with reporters this weekend, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said he has settled on a vice presidential nominee.

“In my mind, yeah,” Trump said when asked by NBC News at a retail stop in Philadelphia on Saturday if he has decided on his running mate.

When asked if the person he has picked is aware, the former president responded, “No, nobody knows.”

Trump added that the person he has picked will “most likely” attend Thursday’s first debate between Trump and President Biden, which will take place in Atlanta.

“They’ll be there,” the former president added. “I think we have a lot of people coming.”

Read the full story here.