
Trump Launches Website To Fact-Check Biden During Debate

Signage outside the media file center for the upcoming presidential debate is seen near the CNN Techwood campus in Atlanta, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump are slated to meet at the first debate of 2024 hosted by CNN. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Ahead of Thursday’s debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s campaign has launched a new website to “fact check” Biden along the way.

Thursday morning, Trump’s team launched to give real time updates and fact checks if Biden is caught lying. The presidential debate will take place Thursday night at 9 p.m. ET, on CNN.

“Biden has been doing political debates for 50 years, having taken part in at least 40 debates since 1972,” the website reads. “His performances are often filled with lies – about himself, about statistics, about his record, and about events that never took place.”

“We are holding Joe Biden accountable,” the website continues.

There are multiple articles currently up that “fact check” various statements from Biden about his upbringing, his time in the Senate and as Vice President, and some of his current policy as President.

During the 2020 debates between the two men, it was largely Trump at the time who was being fact checked.

Read the full story here.