
Trump, Biden Set To Cruise Toward Nominations With Big Wins On Super Tueday

A Republic primary ballot is seen at the registration table at the polling staton in Kennebunk, Maine, Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Super Tuesday elections are being held in 16 states and one territory. Hundreds of delegates are at stake, the biggest haul for either party on a single day. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)

Super Tuesday is here, and voters from coast to coast are casting their ballots and making their voices heard.

Super Tuesday earned its nickname because it’s the date the most states hold their primaries and caucuses. That means it’s also when the most delegates are at stake for presidential hopefuls fighting to earn their party’s nomination.

Former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley are facing off in Republican races from California to Maine. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden is fending off his Democratic challengers and trying to build momentum as he seeks a second term in office.

Keep up with the USA TODAY Network’s live coverage of Super Tuesday and check back here for results.

Read the full story on USA Today.