

Today’s News Minute | December 5, 2022

Here are some of the headlines we are featuring today, December 5, 2022, from your favorite news outlets at OFFTHEPRESS.COM

Off The Press | Today’s News Minute December 5, 2022

#news #breakingnews #ElonMusk #twiiter #DonaldTrump #2020Election #votingage #2024primaries #PaulPelosi 

You can add Elon Musk to those resisting former President Donald Trump’s continued effort to overturn the 2020 election results. After Musk released tweets about the election suggesting Team Biden interference, Trump said he should be installed as president. Late Sunday, Musk brushed off Trump’s challenge to the Constitution with three words: ‘End of story.’

A nationwide effort by Democrats would lower the voting age to 16, a bow to the party’s biggest group of supporters. See how low some want the voting age to go.

Middle America feels like President Biden is giving them the middle finger with his move to take the first primary and caucus for 2024 away from Iowa and give it to South Carolina.

And Paul Pelosi has made his first appearance since being attacked with a hammer at his home. We’ve got the details and the photo.

For stories like these — and more updates all day long from your favorite news outlets — go to

Musk: Zip It Trump

Liberals Push To Cut Voting Age To 16, Maybe Then To 11

Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst Says Biden Gave Middle America The ‘Middle Finger’

Paul Pelosi Makes First Public Appearance Since Mysterious Attack