
These Lottery Winners Hit Jackpot But End Up Broke — Or Worse

  • Take Jay Sommers. In 1988, he won about $5 million in the Michigan state lottery. Only 20 at the time, he was the state’s youngest winner and a splashy poster boy for easy riches. These days? “There ain’t no money left,” Sommers, now 54, told The Post.
  • Jeffrey Dampier won $20 million in the Illinois state lottery in 1996. He promptly divorced his wife, gave her half the winnings, remarried, had an affair with his new sister-in-law —  and wound up shot to death by her.
  • Ronnie Music Jr. won $3 million in the 2015 Georgia state lottery, only to invest some of his cash in 11 pounds of crystal meth and land behind bars for it.
  • Evelyn Adams took in $5.4 million via two winning tickets in the 1985 and ’86 New Jersey state lottery. Then she blew it all on slot machines and risky investments. Reportedly, she currently lives in a trailer.