
Biden Tells Dem Governors He Needs To Work Less, Sleep More

Biden Tells Democrat Governors He Needs To Work Less, Sleep More

President Joe Biden listens during a meeting with Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso in the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, Dec. 19, 2022, in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

President Joe Biden told a group of governors that he should get more sleep and work fewer hours to avoid fatigue while carrying out his official duties and running for reelection, according to reports.

Biden told a gathering of Democratic governors Wednesday that he should scale back his schedule, including cutting off any events that occur after 8 p.m., sources told the New York Times. The comments come as Biden faces questions from within his own party about withdrawing from the presidential race after his debate performance last week, during which he had multiple verbal slip-ups and repeatedly lost his train of thought.

However, Biden told governors in the meeting that he would not be dropping out, arguing that his worse-than-expected performance was due to his busy travel schedule and intense preparation for the debate, according to the outlet. The president said he told his staff members that he needs to get more sleep and lamented not listening to them about his schedule, a person who attended the meeting told the New York Times.

At one point in the meeting, Gov. Josh Green (D-HI) asked Biden questions about his health, prompting the president to respond that he was fine.

“It’s just my brain,” he said, according to the outlet.

The response left some governors unsure of what he meant, although several in the room received it as a joke, the outlet reported.

Read the full story here.