
‘Secret Plot To Replace Biden Revealed: How Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer Could Topple’

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, left, leave after signing a bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the G7, Thursday, June 13, 2024, in Savelletri, Italy. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Now has learned that if Joe stumbles in that first face-off with Trump or if his polling numbers keep falling, it’ll take a united front of the liberal grandees to make Joe throw in the towel.

‘The only people who could force him out would be Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,’ one Democratic strategist told ‘It would have to be the four of them collectively.’

And the process would be high risk.

One consultant theatrically described the difficulty level of replacing their candidate as similar to trying to turn that doomed container ship that careened into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore in May.

That sad story ended with a total collapse and six deaths.

But other party insiders concede that the candidate swap could work if everything was carefully planned and executed.

Political columnist Joe Klein theorized in a recent newsletter that if Biden were to stand down, ‘a vigorous young candidate — don’t ask me who — could win over the country with a single convention speech’ in August.’

Read the full story here.