
Rep. Jordan’s Schmoozing, Donations Suggest He’s Angling For Speakership

Mike Johnson’s speakership is safe, for now.

But there’s no guarantee the Louisiana Republican who launched up four spots in the leadership rung for the top job will last through next conference, say his detractors.

Other conservative heavyweights already seem to be quietly moving to position themselves for a leadership shakeup, particularly Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan.

The Ohio Republican, whose star power shot up with the rise of Donald Trump, ran for speaker before Johnson. He gave up when it was abundantly clear the ‘never-Jordan’ cadre of House Republicans would remain obstinate: 22 still opposed him for speaker on the second ballot on the House floor.

Prior to Jordan being elected House GOP speaker nominee and trying his hand on the floor, Majority Leader Steve Scalise had beat him out for the nomination.

Jordan’s team to be clear, is staying coy about what he’s angling for. ‘Jordan is focused on the important work he is doing as chairman of the Judiciary Committee, growing the majority and supporting Mike Johnson as the leader of our conference,’ Jordan spokesman Russell Dye said.

“I’m for the speaker, I’ve been clear about that,” Jordan told when asked if he’d support Johnson next Congress.

Jordan has raised eyebrows by handing out campaign checks to colleagues – not just those in his inner circle.

Jordan has close to $10 million on hand, and has offered over $200,000 to dozens of different Republicans’ campaigns so far this cycle.

Since campaign season began heating up late last year, Jordan has criss-crossed the country for town halls and fundraisers for at least 34 members from across the ideological spectrum.

Read the full story here.