
‘Panico, Panique’: Global Leftists Rocked By Biden’s Pathetic Performance

Biden at G7 in Italy

The languages varied from country to country, but the main message in European media coverage of the first U.S. presidential debate of 2024 was the same: Democrats and other President Joe Biden supporters were left in a “panic” about whether their candidate could win a second term.

The debate began at 3 a.m. Friday in most European countries, too late for coverage to make it into the print editions across the region. But in online editions there was a broad consensus – “panico” reported Italy’s Corriere della Sera; “panique” from France’s Libération; panik” opined The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany; “pánica” in Spain’s El Mundo; and just plain “panic” in The Guardian from the U.K.

The newspaper headlines appeared to be riffing off a post-election comment by David Axelrod, a trusted Democrat voice who is largely considered the architect of Barack Obama’s rise in 2008 to become the United States’ first black president, for whom Biden served as vice president.