
Outgoing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Claims ‘Deep State’ Wants To Undo Brexit

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in speech this week that "deep state" powers will work to undo Brexit

  • “We got Brexit done and though the rejoiners and the revengers were left plotting and planning and biding their time – and I’ll have more to say about the events of the last few weeks and months in due course – we delivered on every single one of our promises,” Johnson said
  • “Some people will say as I leave office, they will say ‘this is the end of Brexit,'” he continued. “And the Leader of the Opposition (Sir Keir Starmer) and the deep state will prevail in its plot to haul back us into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return. We on this side of the House will prove them wrong.”
  • The PM announced his coming exit earlier this month