NYC Sheriffs Have Seized So Much Weed From Illegal Pot Shops There's No More Storage Space | Off The Press


NYC Sheriffs Have Seized So Much Weed From Illegal Pot Shops There’s No More Storage Space

FILE - In this Aug. 11, 2016, file photo, assistant manager Jaclyn Stafford arranges glass display containers of marijuana on shelves at The Station, a retail and medical cannabis dispensary, in Boulder, Colo. Several Massachusetts cities and towns voted on Nov. 7, 2017, against prohibitions on pot shops, encouraging for advocates who said it could mean communities are slowly concluding the potential benefits outweigh the drawbacks of having such businesses in town. In Colorado, the first state to do so in 2012, more than 60 percent of towns and cities have opted out of hosting pot shops, according to Kevin Bommer, deputy director of the Colorado Municipal League. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File)

City deputy sheriffs have seized so much cannabis from unlicensed pot shops amid a crackdown that the agency’s offices have become a weed wonderland, with pot stowed in every free nook and cranny they can find, the Daily News has learned.

When the sheriff’s office was tasked with raiding illegal weed shops, the cannabis they removed was initially stored in six 20-foot shipping containers with poor ventilation.

“We were seizing more than the space we had, so we started putting it in different offices,” Ingrid Simonovic, the president of the New York City Deputy Sheriff’s Association told the New York Daily News in an exclusive interview.

“Then they started putting them in vehicles.”

So much weed had been collected that deputy sheriffs responsible for vouchering the evidence from the weed raids were being inundated by the smell — and some even getting sick, union officials said.

The crackdown on unlicensed pot shops across New York has been an effort to stem an explosion following the decriminalization of recreational marijuana for adults in 2021.