
NYC Council Pushes IVF Coverage For Gay Men

Pride flag (Ian Taylor for Unsplash)

The New York City Council’s LGBTQIA+ Caucus is pushing Mayor Eric Adams to expand in vitro fertilization (IVF) coverage to gay men who work for the city, Politico reported.

Currently, the city’s health plan only covers IVF cycles for employees, females and males who have female partners, diagnosed with infertility.

A 2020 state law requires insurance plans to cover three cycles of IVF for people unable to impregnate someone else or to conceive. A single IVF cycle can cost between $15,000 and $30,000, Forbes reported last year.

“As members of the City Council, we strongly believe that the family building benefits should be offered to all employees, and it cannot be conditioned on a definition of heteronormative infertility,” the caucus said in a letter to Adams, Politico reported.

“Although the City’s discriminatory policy predates this Administration, the current Administration can solve this problem.”

Last month, a former New York City assistant district attorney and his husband sued the city, saying it discriminates against gay men by not covering IVF for them, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Read the full story here.