
New Yorkers Baffled As Green Sludge Bubbles Up On The Streets Of Gotham

  • This week footage of what appeared to be a thick, bright-green sludge oozing around a drain a block away from the 9/11 Memorial and Museum began circulating on social media. An X user named Dan Pantelo shared a video of the bizarre incident and jokingly asked: “Can anybody explain this or are we just living in full blown Gotham rn.”
  • For the most part, the people that Insider observed walking by the neon-green substance on Friday didn’t appear to be fazed. Most either saw it and passed right by or didn’t seem to pick up on its strange appearance altogether. Some, however, did whip out their phones to snap a photo before hurrying away.
  • Though the bright-green liquid and its source remain a mystery, it isn’t the first time green sludge has been spotted on the streets of Manhattan. Back in 2017, social media was up in arms about an eerily similar-looking substance, which The Gothamist reported was likely antifreeze.