
Post-Debate Poll: 72% Of Americans Say Biden Lacks ‘Mental and Cognitive Health’ To Be Pres

The first major network poll following Thursday night’s debate shows 72% of Americans believe Biden does not have the “mental and cognitive health to serve as president.”

That percentage marks a 7-point increase from just three weeks ago, in the CBS You Gov poll.

By comparison, voters are essentially split on whether GOP challenger Donald Trump has the mental and cognitive health for the job – with 50% saying he does, and 49% saying he does not.

The survey also found an overwhelming number of Americans believe the president should not run for reelection — including nearly half of his own party.

Overall, 72% of respondents told CBS/You Gov that Biden should not seek reelection – a number that includes a 46% of Democrats.

NBC News reported late Saturday that Biden is meeting with his family Sunday at Camp David to discuss “the future of his reelection campaign.” While he still has the public support of crucial allies like Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) – who went to bat for him Sunday morning on CNN – multiple reports indicate Democrats are privately turning up the heat on Biden to step aside.