
Carville Calls For ‘Enforcement Mechanism’ To Make Media Help Biden

Carville Calls For 'Enforcement Mechanism' To Make Media Help Biden

President Joe Biden speaks to members of the media before boarding Air Force One for departure, Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. Biden is headed to Pennsylvania. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Democratic strategist James Carville in a Thursday podcast episode called for President Joe Biden’s White House to help establish a way to compel the media to help defeat former President Donald Trump.

The New York Times’ executive editor Joe Kahn in May said his publication’s duty is to cover what Americans care about rather than what benefits Biden and hurts Trump, with the president’s close aides reportedly urging officials to criticize the NYT’s coverage since they believe the election is “existential” for the nation.

Carville on “Politics War Room” suggested the White House go a step further by telling the media more specifically what to cover and “have some kind of enforcement mechanism” to do so.