
Macron Dissolves French Parliament, Calls For Fast Elections After Big Far-Right Wins In EU

French President Emmanuel Macron listens to school children, parents and teachers as he visits a middle school, Thursday, April 20, 2023 in Ganges, southern France. Emmanuel Macron's trip to Ganges comes amid a concerted new effort by him and his government to put the furor caused by the pension change behind him. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole, Pool)

French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday announced that he is dissolving the national assembly and calling for legislative elections on June 30 and July 7.

Macron said he cannot pretend nothing has happened in the EU elections – in which the far rights made big gain in France and German.

He also said the outcome of the EU elections, in 20 nation states, is not good for his government and that the rise of nationalists is a danger for France and all of Europe.

Marine Le Pen’s far-right party handily defeated Macron’s party in the European Parliamentary elections.

Read the full story in the Guardian