
Liberal Pundit Agrees That CNN’s Presidential Debate Rules Rigged To Help Biden

A camera operator waits in the debate hall before a CNN Democratic presidential debate, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015, in Las Vegas. Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Jim Webb, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, and Martin O'Malley will take the stage later today. (AP Photo/John Locher)

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cilliza has admitted the truth about his former network’s rules for June 27’s debate between President Joe Biden and GOP opponent and former President Donald Trump.

The debate is rigged to help Biden.

On his YouTube Channel, Cilliza explained why the rules favored Biden. Just one of them favors Trump.

The most important thumb on the scale for Biden is that the two hate-Trump hosts, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, will control the mics and can mute Trump so he doesn’t interrupt the verbally challenged president.

Cilliza also conceded that Biden really can’t handle a serious debate, or at least one without commercial breaks to regain his failing strength.

Elaborating on Substack, Cilliza said he was “stunned” that Trump not only agreed to the debate but also permitted CNN to host it, particularly given his hostility to the network.

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