
Israeli Military Uses Medieval Siege Weapon Against Terrorists

A video has emerged on social media on Thursday that appears to show IDF soldiers firing a trebuchet at the Lebanese border, igniting plantations across the border.

The military responded, stating, “This is a local initiative and not a tool that is widely used,” Israeli state broadcaster KAN News reported.

“The area on the Lebanese border is characterized by boulders, thickets, and dense thorn vegetation, which poses a challenge to the IDF troops deployed in defense.”

Maariv quoted the IDF as saying that the tool was built by reservists serving at an outpost on the northern border, and another military source said that the video was filmed over a month ago.

A trebuchet is an artillery weapon used primarily for siege purposes. They were used primarily in the medieval period.

The incident follows recent heightened tensions in northern Israel.

Read the full story here.