
In Puerto Rico Trimp, Biden Says ‘Sorta Raised’ In Puerto Rican Community

President Biden on Monday while visiting Puerto Rico to see damage from Hurricane Fiona said he was 'sort raised' by Delaware's Puerto Rican community.

  • Fiona hit Puerto Rico hard in late September, knocking out the island’s power grid.
  • It’s unclear whether Biden has made such a claim before, but it’s never been huge part of his political story or well known tosh haveaped his world views.
  • The Washington Times in reporting on the remark included information that estimates roughly 2.5% of Biden’s home state of Delaware could be of Puerto Rican background. That figure, however, reflects current residents and was likely a great deal lower during Biden’s adolescence, more than half a century ago.
  • Biden also spent part of his early childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, his birthplace. So it’s unclear whether he was referred to there.