
Hispanics In Swing States Favor Trump Over Biden On Immigration: Poll

FILE - In this Sept. 14, 2020 file photo, President Donald Trump arrives for a Latinos for Trump Coalition roundtable at Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix. President Donald Trump is putting up a fight for Latino voters in key swing states with Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Polls show Biden with a commanding overall lead with Hispanic voters, a diverse group that defies neat political categories. Still, about 3 in 10 registered Latino voters nationwide back Trump, roughly consistent with how Latinos voted in 2018 congressional elections and in 2016. Latino men, like men of other races, support Trump more than Hispanic women. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

Hispanics in the seven battleground states have been found to trust Donald Trump more on the issue of immigration than Joe Biden, according to a new poll. The states the poll was conducted in include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The poll from Equis was taken from 1,592 registered Hispanic voters across the different swing states and Trump was found to have 41 percent trust on immigration versus 38 percent trust with Biden. The poll was conducted between April 20 to May 5 and was released this week. The margin of error on the poll is +/- 2.6 percentage points for the sample taken from the swing states.

Hispanics have been a reliable Democratic voting bloc for years, however, with this poll and others, support in the demographic has shifted more towards Trump in recent months. The same poll also surveyed 1,575 voters from voters excluding Hispanics in the same battleground states. Those who were surveyed in the poll trusted Trump more on the topic of immigration at 49 percentage points compared to 34 percent.

The poll also found that Hispanics’ trust in the Democratic Party as well as Biden has slipped over the course of his presidency. Hispanic voters in the poll also found voters believe Biden and the Democrats broke promises with regard to immigration policy. 72 percent of Hispanic voters in the swing states agreed or somewhat agreed that Biden and the Democrats broke promises made during Biden’s years in office.

Read the full story here.