
Heat Dome Scorches Cities Coast To Coast

Sixty-five million Americans from coast to coast are under heat alerts as the life-threatening heat dome continues for the second week.

The Northeast, Southeast and West all saw daily record temperatures shattered this weekend, including 98 degrees in Philadelphia; 100 degrees in Greenville, Mississippi; and 108 degrees in Merced, California.

This weekend, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore hit 100 degrees for the first time in June in 12 years.

On Monday, the dangerous heat is impacting the Southeast, the Deep South and the West.

Temperatures are forecast to soar to 96 degrees in Atlanta; 94 degrees in New Orleans and Nashville, Tennessee; 100 degrees in Little Rock, Arkansas; 99 degrees in Oklahoma City; 98 in Dallas; 109 in Phoenix; 97 in Salt Lake City; and a blistering 110 in Las Vegas and Palm Springs, California.

Areas in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota that faced catastrophic flooding in recent days will also be dealing with the scorching heat on Monday.

Read more here from ABC News.