
Google Pushes Biden Website To #1 While It Hides Trump’s Campaign Site

Google is still at it. On Tuesday, just two days before the widely anticipated presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the tech giant buried Trump’s campaign website in its search results. But Biden’s appears at the very top for voters looking for information about him.

“Google is blatantly interfering in the 2024 election,” said MRC President Brent Bozell.

MRC Free Speech America uncovered proof of Google’s bias and censorship through two separate sets of search queries. First, MRC researchers analyzed the Google Search results for the six presidential candidates still in the race Tuesday. When searching for a candidate’s name and the words “presidential race 2024,” Google completely buried Trump and elevated Biden as the first search result. In fact, the tech giant excluded the only two major pro-life candidates from the top-3 search results, singling out Trump and Constitution Party candidate for president Randall Terry. Every other candidate appeared in the top-three results. But the tech giant’s censorship didn’t end there. Google again buried Trump’s campaign website as the 39th result, while elevating Biden’s to the very top in a separate set of searches for “republican party presidential campaign websites” and “democratic party presidential campaign websites” respectively.

This comes a little over three weeks after MRC revealed Google suppressing the Trump campaign website following a Manhattan, New York jury’s guilty verdict in the dubious case filed by George Soros-backed prosecutor Alvin Bragg.

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