
Gen Z Bringing Parents To Job Interviews

A small study suggests some Gen Zers are bringing their parents along to job interviews.

In a Resume Templates survey of 1,428 US Zoomers, 70% said they had asked their parents for help during their job search, and 26% said they had brought a parent to an interview.

Discussing the results on her radio show, the reporter Kim Komando said a candidate once showed up to an interview for a studio position with their mother.

“That is just a bad sign,” she said.

For the Gen Zers who said they had a parent at an in-person interview, 37% said they had them come into the office, 26% said the parent physically sat in the room while the interview took place, and 18% said their parent introduced themselves to the hiring manager,

Seven percent said their parents even answered questions for them.

Read the full story here.