
Gay Porn Star Busted For Trading Sickening Child Porn Videos: Feds

Pornhub (franco alva for Unsplash)

Popular gay porn star “Austin Wolf” was busted Friday on charges that he sent and received hundreds of child porn videos out of his Manhattan apartment.

Justin Heath Smith, 43, who uses “Austin Wolf” as his stage name, traded the horrific videos — including one showing a 10-year-old child bound and raped — with an anonymous target of an FBI probe on the encrypted app Telegram, authorities said.

An undercover FBI agent then used that person’s Telegram account to chat with Smith and confirm his identify, court papers said.

The feds raided Smith’s Manhattan apartment in April and found around 200 videos containing child porn on an SD card inside the adult film star’s computer room, the complaint alleges.

Smith, wearing a tight-fitted athletic gray shirt and blue jeans, was ordered held without bail at a hearing in Manhattan federal court Friday afternoon.

Read the full story here.