

Even CNN Admits Biden Plays Fast And Loose With The Truth

CNN has been hostile toward Donald Trump over the past eight years, but even the network that hosted the first presidential debate of 2024 had to admit that President Biden likes to play fast and loose with the facts. Here are some examples cited by the network following the debate:

• Biden rehashed the phony claim that Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach to fight COVID-19. In fact, Trump never used the word “bleach”; he instead referred to a new technology in which ultraviolet rays are used to fight viruses.

• Biden claimed unemployment was at 15% when he took office; the unemployment rate was 6.4% in December 2020, just weeks before Biden took office.

• Biden bizarrely claimed that the Border Patrol union endorsed him; in fact, that union endorsed Trump.

• That’s likely because the number of illegal aliens pouring across the border has exploded under Biden, despite his false claim that there are fewer crossings now than when Trump was in office.

• Biden claimed he had lowered the cost of insulin shots to $15 under Medicare; in fact, the cost is $35 per shot, and it was Trump, in 2020, who created a voluntary program under Medicare Part D to reduce the price to $35. The 2022 ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ codified that price.

• Biden claimed he capped Medicare drug spending at $200 per year; in fact, it’s $2,000 per year.

• Biden claimed that Trump wants ‘to cut Social Security and Medicare’; in fact, Trump’s website says, ‘Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.’

• Biden callously insisted that he didn’t have ‘any troops dying anywhere in the world.’ That ignores the 13 US soldiers killed in America’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan.

• Biden falsely claimed that billionaires only pay 8.2% in taxes; according to the IRS, the 400 wealthiest Americans pay an average federal tax rate of 23% – nearly three times higher than Biden claimed.