
Environmental Groups Decry Attempt To Delay Shipping Rules Intended To Save Whales

A Georgia congressman has proposed a yearslong delay in changes to federal rules meant to protect vanishing whales, prompting a rebuke from environmental groups who say the animals need protection now.

The delay proposed by Republican Rep. Buddy Carter concern new vessel speed rules issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service that are being finalized by the federal government. The proposed rules, which are much anticipated by shippers and fishermen, would expand protective slow zones off the East Coast and require more ships to slow down.

The rules are designed to protect the North Atlantic right whale, which numbers less than 360 and is vulnerable to collisions with large ships. Carter’s bill states that it would prevent any amendments or updates to the right whale vessel strike reduction rule until Dec. 31, 2030.

The government’s proposed rule changes would “cause grave safety issues for recreational vessels and pilot vessels alike” and economic harm, Carter said in a statement. A hearing on Carter’s bill was held June 27.

Several conservation groups said Tuesday that the proposal is shortsighted and will jeopardize the whales.

The animals have been in need of protection from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear for years and can’t withstand more delays, said Gib Brogan, campaign director with environmental group Oceana.

Read more here from ABC News.