
Crazed Fan Runs Onto MLB Field, Does Flip — Gets Tased By Cops

Twitter/Emily Nyman

If you can’t beat ’em, tase ’em.

That was the lesson for Cincinnati police on Tuesday night, when an over-enthusiastic Reds fan stormed the field and eluded cops before executing a flawless back flip in front of one helpless officer.

Spectators at Great American Ball Park were all too happy to ignore the 5-3 loss to the visiting Cleveland Guardians and instead focus on the attention-seeking hooligan in a Johnny Bench replica jersey.

The man first darted over to Guardians centerfielder Tyler Freeman, who appeared unamused with the ninth-inning visit. From there, the intruder ran away while victoriously raising both arms above his head only to come to an abrupt stop in shallow right-center field. Then, with an officer rapidly approaching, the unidentified man performed his graceful backflip before attempting to flee on foot once more.

Unfortunately for him, the humiliated officer was unsheathing his taser and quickly dropped the offending fan.

Read the full story here.