
PLAY ALONG AT HOME: Debate Bingo Card

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will duke it out in the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia, and you can take part in the fun as you decide which candidate to vote for.

While watching the 90-minute debate on CNN on Thursday night, you can play along with the Washington Examiner’s bingo card for the first presidential debate. The bingo card features several phrases either candidate could say on the debate stage.

Some spots that invoke phrases Biden may say include many of the president’s trademark phrases, including “folks” and “bunch of malarkey.” Biden may also defend his son Hunter Biden, who was convicted on gun charges in Delaware earlier this month, by saying, “Extremely proud of my son Hunter.” He may also proclaim that “I’ve never been more optimistic” about the country or its people if the topic comes up.

Biden may also take aim at Trump by labeling him and his supporters as “extreme MAGA Republicans,” referring to Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” or he may proclaim the 2024 election is a battle for “the soul of democracy,” in a similar vein to his 2020 election pitch that won him the White House.

Spots on the bingo card that refer to possible Trump phrases include a call to “close the border on day one” and “energy independence.”

See it in the Washington Examiner