
Bureau Of Prisons Demands Taxpayer-Funded Transgender Care

Prison (Emiliano Bar for Unsplash)
  • The Biden Administration agency responsible for all federal prisons introduced a revised policy for inmates that identify as transgender that includes guidance for taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries and cosmetic adjustments.
  • On Monday, the Heritage Foundation‘s Oversight Project released the guidance which it obtained from the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP). The document obtained by the project was promulgated by the agency in June of this year to update its guidance on prisoners who identify as transgender incarcerated in the federal prison system.
  • According to the document, this revised guidance included new sections on “preventative health screening, non-invasive or invasive surgical procedures and transitions of care.” This includes guidance and policies on hormone therapies, invasive surgical procedures, and purely cosmetic adjustments, such as permanent hair removal.